
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why yes it is OK!

Its Ok Thursdays 
It's OK ....
- to consume a bag of mellocreme pumpkins by yourself. [What? They're a SEASONAL food. Isn't that sorta like moderation?]

- to wear pants and a jacket just because you're too lazy to shave your legs and pits ...

- to be totally stoked that Dancing with the Stars premieres next Monday night.

- to use the word "stoked" a lot ...

-to seriously debate subscribing to Netflix because you've completely blown your Redbox budget ...

- to re-read a letter until you've literally memorized the content

- to tear up a little bit over the sappy sweetness of a Spanish love poem

- to wish the modesty panel on your desk went all the way to the floor so that you could curl up underneath the desk and take a nap without anyone knowing where you were ...

- to be creeped out by the guy who walks down the hall and talks to himself ... out loud.

- to occasionally talk to yourself while walking down the hall ....

- that I don't drink coffee and therefore do not own a coffee pot ....

- to pray that your football team will actually play real football this Saturday.

- to mapquest how to get to McDonald's :)


  1. I hate shaving legs and pits. blah. lol

    Stoked is a rad word!

    Lol, I'm that person that walks around and sometimes talks to myself...

  2. Awww...i love your blog...i was in a long distance relationship too so these always grab my heart. excited to see how the story turns out!
